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and elevate your health, relationships, human potential & lifestyle design

As Featured in

Visualise, Alchemise, and Magnetise the Love and Life You Want.

We are vibration primarily — when we can understand this we can begin to merge with the vibration that is the source within us and the vibration that is the thought pattern that we have picked up along our physical trail.

But so many of us have forgotten this. We become so wrapped up in “what is” that we cannot feel beyond what we want, but don’t have.

And so we move through life from a place of lack. From a place of fear.

Fear of being alone, fear of not being good enough, fear of failure, fear of disease, fear of not having enough, fear of loss, fear of abandonment — the list goes on — and our vibration is out of alignment with all that we desire.

I created Revival Health with a vision to continue to raise my vibration and help others raise theirs in the process, and thereby elevate our health, relationships, human potential and lifestyle design.

Move Towards the Life You’ve Always Wanted

“Use every golden moment of now to recreate yourself anew in the next grandest vision ever you held about who you are.”

— Neale Donald Walsch

Monthly Q&A Calls Membership

Tap into the power of the collective to raise your vibration, better understand your desires, and discover more about the law of attraction — so that you may magnetise everything you desire.

Make your body your boss

Clean up your body so that you can use it to guide you to exactly where you want to go.

RTT Hypnotherapy

Tap into your subconscious to reform, elevate and transform your beliefs.

Visualise. Alchemise. Magnetise.

Awareness is the first step towards transformation

Visualise Your Desires

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

―Napoleon Hill

We get what we think about whether we want it or not.

This creates momentum. The more negative thoughts we think and feelings we have, the more we attract a reality that reflects and reinforces these thoughts and feelings. It’s a snowball effect.

But the same applies to positive thoughts and emotions.

The law of attraction is responding to how we feel. How we feel about everything is what we’re living. So, the better we feel the more we are allowing what we desire. The worse we feel the more we are resisting it.

To raise our vibration, we need to move away from lack and fear based living (Newtonian model of reality) and towards belief based living (Quantum model of reality). I wrote about this in my article “Our Thoughts and Feelings Create an Electromagnetic Charge Around US.”

The desire is the demand. The belief is the supply. Visualising our desires can help us attain the belief that they are moving towards us.

But this is easier said then done. And that’s what inspired my monthly Q&A calls membership.

It’s a way to raise your vibration through the power of the collective, thereby fostering the belief in your dreams and accelerating the creation of your desires. It’s an opportunity to better understand your desires, discover more about the law of attraction, and elevate your vibration — so that you may magnetise everything you desire.

Alchemise Your Reality

“Decide what you want to be, do, and have, think the thoughts of it, emit the frequency, and your vision will become your life.”

— Rhonda Byrne

It is not possible to be in this physical format, moving around and participating in the world, without coming to conclusions that are based on our observations. The majority of us get the majority of our vibration in response to what we are observing.

What we see and hear is interpreted vibration.

I’m such a believer in the mind-body connection. And our body can be one of our greatest teachers. Wounds are not lost, they are embodied. And our body is often a mirror of our emotions. It shows us when we are living out of alignment and at a low vibration.

Genes are so often blamed for physical shortcomings, ailments and conditions. But they do not determine our health and happiness. We do. I wrote about this in my article “Our Genes Do Not Determine Our Destiny. We Do.”

Common symptoms of living out of alignment and at a low vibration

  • Burnout

  • Chronic fatigue or pain

  • Anxiety

  • Hopelessness

  • Unfulfilling relationships

  • Illness and disease

  • Eating disorders and weight issues

  • Addictions

Common reasons for living out of alignment and at a low vibration

  • You behave based on imagined events instead of reality

  • You’ve seen something negative happen to someone and assume it will happen to you

  • You’ve adopted someone else’s beliefs about you as your own

  • You blame others for your problems

  • You think it’s someone else’s responsibility to solve your problems

I believe we can use our body to support the process of raising our vibration.

As a certified integrative nutrition health coach, I’m always looking to learn more about my body and for ways to improve how I nourish and nurture it. And now there is a simple way to take the guesswork out of which foods and supplements your body needs.

Magnetise Your Dreams

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

— Nikola Tesla

If we can learn how to shape our environment as opposed to allowing our environment to shape us, our lives will change.

But this means venturing into the unknown.

Predictions are forecasted patterns or occurrences, always based on past events. By definition then, if we can predict something, we are living in the past and thereby guaranteeing our future will be the same as our past.

Therefore, to ensure a future that is different to our past, it must be unpredictable. And for this to occur, we need new thoughts and new feelings.

Our job is to be clear on what we want and why we want it — and then live as though we already have it. It requires letting go of what no longer serves us. I wrote about this in my article “Release, Renew, Revive: A Practical Approach to Letting Go.” This is what raises our vibration.

But it’s not always easy to visualise and feel our desired reality when “what is” is so far from it. When this happens, uncovering the root cause of our limiting beliefs can help us gain some much needed clarity and perspective.

RTT Hypnotherapy can help with this — by tapping into your subconscious mind to find the root cause of your issue, reform what happened to resolve it, and then install elevated beliefs — so that you can raise your vibration and transform your reality.

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Transform through body, mind & soul