Revival Health

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When All the Boogie Men Come Out To Play

As originally published in Heart Speak on

Photo by francescoch on iStock

Ever have days when life gets the better of you? Today has been one of those days for me.

Nothing major happened. I’m not even sure what the trigger was. I simply felt overwhelmed, insecure, and questioned everything — mostly around my business.

Lately, I have been wondering if this truly is the right path for me and, on a larger scale, questioning my purpose altogether.

After all, who am I to guide and support others on how to attract healthier relationships and get better at life if I’m still figuring it out on my own?!

Imposter syndrome, self-doubt, questioning my worth, fear, insecurity, etc. That’s right, all the boogie men came out to play today. And it was awful!

I wanted to crawl back into bed and never come out. Because hiding is always easier than dealing with those uncomfortable feelings.

But then a good friend called and reminded me how awesome she thinks I am, and that it’s ok to cry it out. So I did. I lay down on the floor and balled until my eyes stung. Then I hugged my dog.

Then I got up to write this article, right after I reminded myself that it’s healthy and courageous to be vulnerable and that I am awesome. And I do have something to offer the world. Because we all do.

As I think about why the boogie men keep coming out, I realise that it’s not actually surprising at all. My life has been tumultuous, to say the least, and even though I have spent years healing through introspection and a lot of internal and external work, it’s only natural that my resolve in myself continues to be tested. It’s all part of my evolution.

If you’re reading this article, then I know you have your own story, and it’s probably also not one of rainbows and unicorns, but rather one of your own trials and tribulations.

As such, when you contend with your own boogie men, I truly hope that you have some close friends to remind you how awesome you are. Because you are.

And whilst I believe being able to give ourselves everything that we need is the key to self-actualising, having some cheerleaders to help us along the way makes the journey a little easier, and a lot less lonely.

It’s one of the reasons why I created my 8-week Make Your Body Your Boss program — to be a cheerleader for those who need it, and provide a close community that supports each other actively.

As I wrap up this article, I’m also reminding myself, and you, that it’s not important to have it all figured out. Nobody actually does. It’s simply about progress, not perfection.

Wherever you are on your journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

To learn more about how to raise your vibration through the power of the collective click here.

For more frequent information and inspiration on relationships, health, human potential & lifestyle design follow me on Instagram.