Ask. Align. Allow.

We know that everything is energy. We are energy — all vibrating at certain frequencies.

And we all have Source energy, from which our physical Being living in this 3D world came to be, so that we may have a human experience. And this Source energy — which is what we are — lives within us like a vortex.

This experience is part of our eternal expansion. The universe is ever expanding and we are part of this creation, part of this expansion.

Our desires are what propel our expansion. Wanting more simply means we, and the universe, are expanding. And there is no limit to what we can create because there is always enough. There is always more.

And as we move through this human experience learning about what we don’t want, we automatically launch the desire of what we do want into our vortex — into our Source energy which is the energy that creates worlds. The energy that is not limited by time/space as we know it in our 3-dimensional world, but that collapses time/space to create instantaneously.

It’s like we have a parallel universe, where all our desires have manifested, living within us. And all we have to do to merge these universes is align our vibration to that of our inner vortex — to that of our Source energy.

This vortex vibration meditation aims to raise your energetic vibration, and thereby move you towards magnetising your desires.

Define. Align. Allow. And we can create anything we desire.

Wherever you are on your healing journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

with love,

Veronica xx