3 Steps to Magnetising Everything You Want

Key lessons on the Law of Attraction

As originally published in Change Your Mind Change Your Life on Medium.com.

My journey of healing and self-evolution began after hitting rock bottom in life in early 2020. Since then, I’ve learned about, tried, and studied many different healing methods and modalities, most of which have added value to my life in some way and built on my understanding of how we operate as humans and why. More importantly, my journey has enlightened me about the mostly untapped yet innate power we all possess within us. Over the past months, I have inundated myself with Abraham Hicks talks which have expanded on this knowledge and my resolve to help others become healthier and happier. Here are 3 key insights into the law of attraction that can help you get everything you’ve ever wanted.


For those of you unfamiliar with Abraham Hicks, Abraham is a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension that brings forth their wisdom through Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks is an American inspirational speaker, channeler, and author.

Abraham provides source material about the law of attraction and was the inspiration behind the hit movie “The Secret”.


The Premise

Everything is energy. We are energy — all vibrating at certain frequencies.

And we all have Source energy, from which our physical Being living in this 3-dimensional world came to be, so that we may have a human experience. And this Source energy — which is what we are — lives within us like a vortex.

This human experience is part of our eternal expansion. The universe is ever-expanding, and we are part of this creation, part of this expansion.

Our desires are what propel our expansion. Wanting more simply means we, and the universe, are expanding. And there is no limit to what we can create because there is always enough. There is always more.

For example, just think back to only a few hundred years ago, when having a million dollars seemed inconceivable. Today there are millions of millionaires. Earth doesn’t have more resources than it did back then. It is because of desires that humans create and expand.

And as we move through this human experience learning about what we don’t want, we automatically launch the desire of what we do want into our vortex — into our Source energy, which is the energy that creates worlds. The energy that is not limited by time/space as we know it in our 3-dimensional world, but that collapses time/space to create instantaneously.

It’s like we have a parallel universe, where all our desires have manifested, living within us. And all we must do to merge these universes is align our vibration to that of our inner vortex — to that of our Source energy.

In principle, it’s the same as an old-fashioned radio receiver. All the radio stations are playing music at the same time, but we will only hear the one we tune our receiver to. And if it’s not the music we want to hear, we have to adjust our tuner.

Ask. Align. Allow. And we can create anything we desire.

Step 1: Ask for What You Want

Life is about contrast. It must be this way. In order to know what we want, we must know what we don’t want. One does not exist without the other.

The more negative our experiences, the stronger our desire for the opposite. The asking occurs automatically.

I spent most of my life in very unhealthy relationships. From a young age, I struggled through emotional abuse and physical abuse, and it only increased with age. This caused me to ‘ask’ for relationships opposite to all that I was experiencing.

Step one in raising our vibration is to ask for what we want.

Step 2: Align Your Vibration

The teachings of many who have healed their lives tell us that we are the creators of our reality. I believe this (although I didn’t always!).

The idea that we can create anything and everything we want is exciting and empowering.

Until the moment we realise that this also means if we do not have what we want or feel the way we want, we are the only person standing in our way.

All of a sudden we don’t like the idea as much. Because this means we, and we alone, are responsible for our life — for our health and happiness.

And as much as we’d like it to, we can’t expect the law of attraction to make an exception for us.

So, whilst this is scary at first, I found understanding the meaning of responsibility to be helpful, and allow me to move back into an empowering mindset.

Responsibility = an ability to respond

Regardless of what happens around us, we can always choose how to respond to it — how to feel about it.

Our emotions tell us about our vibrational frequency. And when we feel negative emotions our frequency is lowered.

This is important because what we are broadcasting sets our point of attraction.

“Law of Attraction: That which is likened to itself is drawn.”

— Abraham Hicks

We get what we think about whether we want it or not.

And this creates momentum. The more negative thoughts we think and feelings we have, the more we attract a reality that reflects and reinforces these thoughts and feelings. It’s a snowball effect.

But the same applies to positive thoughts and emotions. The law of attraction is responding to how we feel. How we feel about everything is what we’re living.

So, the better we feel the more we are allowing what we desire. The worse we feel the more we are resisting it.

Simply put, we need to line up with what we desire rather than standing in its way simply because we cannot yet see it.

Alignment with our inner Being is natural. Yet most of us are out of alignment due to a lifetime of external conditioning and ensuing self-sabotage. I wrote more about this in “Why We Feel Like We Are Not Enough.”

Our emotions are our compass. We know we are in alignment when we feel joy, appreciation, empowerment, freedom, and love.

I remember my life only a few years ago. I lived in the emotions listed at number 22 on the guidance scale above. I was in a highly toxic romantic relationship, in an unfulfilling job, living in a place I disliked, and struggling with what seemed like never-ending health issues. I believed I was a victim of my circumstances. I was a thermometer according to Jim Kwik’s analogy below.

You are a thermostat, not a thermometer. A thermostat sets the temperature and the environment rises. A thermometer measures the outside environment.

— Jim Kwik

Fast forward to today, and I spend most of my time in the ‘blue’ emotions. Of course, I have my moments/days/weeks when I struggle and fall back into old patterns, but my self-awareness allows me to recalibrate.

Every day I work on applying the Quantum model of reality as opposed to the Newtonian model of reality. I wrote about this in “Our Thoughts and Feelings Create an Electromagnetic Charge Around Us.”

And I live in a place I love, have my dog who brings me joy every day, started my own business which I always wanted, feel strong and healthy again, and my relationships today are healthier and happier than ever before.

Step 3: Allow Your Desires To Manifest

With every thought we think we carve out a pathway. And if we keep telling it like it is, we prevent it from becoming more because we come from a place of lack versus abundance.

The art of allowing is managing the gap between vibrations.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

— Albert Einstein

Everything we have asked for already exists within our inner vortex. This notion helps me believe I can manifest what I desire in our 3-dimensional world — because energetically I already have it.

But simultaneously it’s about understanding that there is no final destination. As cliché as it sounds, it truly is about the journey. Because whenever we get what we want, the contrast will cause us to ask for more. And that’s how it should be. That is how we and the universe continue to expand.

To me, it’s about making conscious, deliberate choices — understanding and embracing our personal power.

It’s about facing off with ourselves. When we can overcome ourselves, we can become more.

Believe. Behave. Become.

Our emotions are our compass. The better we feel, the more we allow.

I remember my life when I found myself forever wondering what my purpose was. Today I understand that my, and everyone else’s purpose is to be happy. Simple as that.

The happier we are, the better our life is. And that creates a ripple effect, positively influencing everyone and everything around us. There’s no downside to being happy. No cost. No sacrifice. Only goodness comes from it.

Ask. Align. Allow. And the world is our oyster.


I certainly haven’t manifested everything I want yet. But I am continuously learning and evolving — working on raising my vibration. I also believe in the power of the collective, so simply by reading this article, you have raised your vibration too.

It’s about progress, not perfection.

And wherever you are on your healing journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

To learn more about how to raise your vibration through the power of the collective click here.

For more frequent information and inspiration on relationships, health, human potential & lifestyle design follow me on Instagram.


Do Opposites Really Attract?


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