Create a blueprint for a healthier, joyful and more comfortable space

As originally published in Change Your Mind Change Your Life on

Photo: KatarzynaBialasiewicz from Getty Images

I like a clean home. A bit of mess I can handle, maybe up to a week. Dirt a few days. Clutter makes me feel downright claustrophobic.

A long time ago, someone once said to me: “Messy room, messy mind.” It applies to my home today — and always for as long as I can remember.

To me, a well-organised home isn’t just visually pleasing; it brings a sense of tranquillity, efficiency, and calm to my life. It’s a foundation for positivity and productivity.

I’m well aware that some people thrive in chaos, and although I’m not one of them, I believe detoxing our home now and again can only bring benefits, no matter what your lifestyle is like.

With more people working from home than ever before, our living spaces should support our well-being rather than detract from it. A tidy home can contribute to our health and happiness, making it a haven rather than a source of stress.

And what better time to refresh your space than the start of a New Year?

Here are five practical ways to create a healthier, happier home environment:

1. Repurpose, Recycle, Relinquish

Over the year and especially over the holidays we tend to accumulate possessions. Some we purchased, others we were gifted. Some we love, others, perhaps not so much. 

A great way to ensure our home doesn’t ultimately become a junkyard is to go through it and look at what could be repurposed, recycled or relinquished.

The two questions to ask are always: “Does it bring me joy?” and “Does it serve me?”

2. Remove Dust Regularly

Phthalates, flame retardants, and phenols — our household dust can harbour a cocktail of toxic chemicals. To minimise exposure, it’s crucial to remove dust regularly.

However, dry dusting often stirs up particles into the air we breathe, so opt for methods that capture dust effectively. Use a wet mop on uncarpeted floors, microfiber or damp cloths on furniture, and a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter when possible. These techniques help absorb and remove dust with minimal disturbance, creating a cleaner and healthier living environment.

3. Get Some Plants

Houseplants offer us many benefits  — to mind, body, and soul! They remove toxins from the air and lower the amount of dust that accumulates. They release oxygen and humidify the air, and even lower stress. They also improve our moods, reduce pain and discomfort, and can apparently make us more productive and smarter by improving attention span. Beyond that, they remind us of nature, which creates a sense of equanimity and balance, and they make our homes look welcoming, fresh, and clean.

Houseplants bring a wealth of benefits to our mind, body, and soul. They purify the air by removing toxins and reducing dust accumulation while releasing oxygen and adding humidity to our indoor spaces.

Beyond improving air quality, they help lower stress, boost our mood, and even help us recover from illness. Studies suggest houseplants can enhance productivity and sharpen focus, making us more attentive and efficient.

On a deeper level, plants reconnect us with nature, fostering a sense of balance and tranquillity. Plus, they add a touch of warmth, freshness, and vibrancy, making our homes more inviting and serene.

4. Create Wellness Zones

Wellness zones are small spaces that promote health, calm, and positivity. This is easiest if you live alone, but sharing a home with others doesn’t mean you can’t carve out personal pockets of wellness.

For instance, your bedroom could feature a meditation corner with candles, crystals, and a singing bowl to encourage relaxation. In the kitchen, you might dedicate a special cupboard or drawer for your favourite superfoods, herbs, and teas. Meanwhile, your living room could have a cosy cushion near a small table adorned with a plant and your preferred essential oils.

The key is to create these wellness zones as sanctuaries to ground yourself and restore balance whenever needed.

5. Shop Wisely

Preventing toxins from accumulating in your home starts with mindful purchasing decisions. Many everyday items — such as plastic food containers, children’s toys, and vinyl shower curtains — have been linked to health concerns, including hormone disruption, behavioural changes, and even cancer. Other sources, like carpets, paint, and furniture, can emit harmful gases, while synthetic clothing materials may shed particles that are absorbed through your skin.

The goal isn’t to avoid all purchases or succumb to paranoia but to make more informed and thoughtful choices. Opt for natural or organic fibres when possible, choose glass or ceramic food containers, and look for BPA-free or non-PVC plastics. You can also consider making your own cleaning products for a safer alternative. And sometimes, the most eco-friendly and health-conscious choice is to ask yourself if you really need to buy something new at all.

One Step at a Time

Not everything has to be tackled at once. If you’ve never moved homes or have a tendency to hoard, I understand that detoxing your home can feel like a lot.

Over time, I’ve created a habit of “spring cleaning” regularly, which helps me avoid overwhelm. My dog also forced the issue of getting rid of any toxic products I had at home. My point is it’s alright to take this one step at a time. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Wherever you are on your journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Ready for a healthier and happier life? Learn about “A Healthier You” here.

For more frequent information and inspiration on health, relationships, human potential & lifestyle design, follow me on Instagram.


Set an Intention, Not a Resolution