Your expectations are more powerful than your desires

As originally published in Change Your Mind Change Your Life on

There’s a common phrase that says, “If you want something badly enough, you’ll get it.” So why do so many of us end up longing for things that never seem to come? Because wanting something is only part of the magic formula.

What Happens When We Only Desire?

When we want something we often think and speak from a place of lack.

“I want better health (because I am sick).”

“I want a partner (because I am lonely).”

“I want a new car (because my friends all have nicer ones).”

The universal law of attraction states: That which is likened to itself is drawn.

And so when we think and speak from a place of lack, we thereby ensure we stay in a place of lack. Our reality is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs.

But why do we want anything at all? We want everything because of how we believe it will make us feel.

And therein lies the key.

We must be able to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled BEFORE it has been.

This changes our energetic vibration from one of lack to one of abundance, thereby ensuring we begin to attract abundance.

Why Do Expectations Trump Desire?

When we feel we already have what we want, it is expected. The expectation of something confirms the belief that we will have it.

And that is a very different point of attraction than one of lack.

I recently read a brilliant book by Sarah McCrum called “Love Money, Money Loves You.” In it she talks about some useful principles to be aware of.

“Your expectations are more powerful than your desires.
What you want, your desires, are more powerful than what you have.
What you’re willing to give is more powerful than what you’re willing to receive.
What you’re willing to receive is more powerful than what you expect.”

This means that to have more, we need to desire or wish for more. To get what we desire, we need to expect more. To get what we expect, we need to be willing to receive it. To receive more, we need to be willing to give more.

In the book, the author is obviously speaking in terms of money, but I believe these principles to be universal. Because everything is energy.

When we expect our wishes to be fulfilled, we take action in a very different way. Our actions become inspired as opposed to mechanical.

Our expectations move what we want towards us. Our inspired action moves us towards what we want. All parts are necessary for success.

It’s About Progress, Not Perfection

It’s easy to talk about what we want. It’s easy to say we believe we deserve it. It’s easy to say we expect it.

But saying the words and thinking the thoughts and feeling the feelings are not the same thing.

And whilst we can lie to ourselves and others, we can’t lie to the universe. Our reality will always reflect our beliefs.

This is why my goal is to become a thought ninja. Every time I think an unhelpful thought or feel an unhealthy belief, I catch myself and consciously choose a better one.

A little boy in his karategi ramming over a punching bag and punching it hard.

GIF: Tenor

It’s not about suppressing thoughts and feelings. It’s about perspective.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge of the self is self-empowerment.

Wherever you are on your journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Are you ready for a healthier and happier life? Learn about “A Healthier You” here.

For more frequent information and inspiration on health, relationships, human potential & lifestyle design, follow me on Instagram.


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