Healthy Ways to Ease Sweet Cravings

We can choose to pity or party

As originally published in Change Your Mind Change Your Life on

Children who most enjoy the party are the ones who play all the games and leave the sweets in the bag at the side of the room. It’s the lonely or unhappy child who picks up the sweets and eats them while the others are playing. Food cravings in adults are no different.

Emotions Trump Logic Every Time

Studies have shown that cravings for certain foods come from various reasons, including memories, emotions, weather, and stress.

Ignoring that voice inside our head calling for a sweet isn’t always easy. In the moment, getting a sugar fix might feel like it will satisfy our needs, but giving in to processed sweets often leads to further cravings and overindulging.

We know sugar is bad for us, yet we still ignore the well-known long-term pain in exchange for short-term gain.

Because emotions trump logic, every time.

Simple Ways To Navigate Food Cravings

Before diving head first into the pool of cravings, consider these suggestions to help you navigate them mindfully:

Deconstruct your craving
Are you craving sweets, or are you hungry or thirsty? Is it just a momentary desire? Are you lacking something in your life and filling the void with food? Instead of immediately giving in and reaching for a sweet, close your eyes for a moment, deconstruct what your body is truly telling you, and then decide what will fulfil it. Emotions can lead to craving something your body doesn’t want or need, especially if you’ve had a lot of stress or changes in your life recently.

Step outside
Whenever a craving sneaks up on you, step outside for a few minutes of fresh air. If you can, take a short walk. It’s an easy way to redirect your focus, and fresh air is a natural stress reducer and mood booster. Breathing deeply increases oxygen in your blood, which can increase serotonin levels and lower stress and anxiety. When you step back inside, the craving may well be gone.

Crowd out cravings
Beyond emotional reasons, cravings can stem from a sudden drop in your blood sugar level. These drops often occur as a result of an imbalanced or unhealthy diet. Identifying and nourishing yourself with your personal superfoods can help. And a simple microbiome test is all it takes. By eating more foods you know to fuel your body, you will automatically desire less of those that don’t.

Opt for naturally sweet foods
Instead of tearing open a chocolate bar or taking a cookie (or six) that your coworker shared, soothe your cravings with more wholesome options. If you know you have a sweet tooth and a hard time resisting a craving, keep fresh fruit or dark chocolate made with 80% cacao or more close by. This way, it will be easier to make the better choice towards a healthier sweet snack. You can also find recipes like these sweet potato buns that use real ingredients, which can often help satiate those cravings while still keeping your blood sugar under control.

Enjoy it — in moderation
If you have a continuous craving for something but have been resisting it, allow yourself to enjoy it in moderation. If a craving is constantly ignored, it can lead to giving in and over-consuming it eventually. Listen to your body and know that it’s okay to enjoy something you’re craving without overindulging.

We Can Choose To Pity or Party

As with children, when sweets become too important, the game is no fun anymore and the party is over.

Objectively speaking, I think most would agree that a party is way more fun than pity. But I know changing a habit is easier said than done.

At the end of the day, it’s about progress, not perfection, so please remember to be kind to yourself always.

And I’ll see you at the party!

Wherever you are on your journey, always remember that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Ready for a healthier and happier life? Learn about “A Healthier You” here.

For more frequent information and inspiration on health, relationships, human potential & lifestyle design, follow me on Instagram.


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